What our partners say
Bedfordshire Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care System
Digital (and Population Health Management)
In BLMK Digital forms the foundation for transformational service change as the system moves from eleven independent organisations to a fully integrated system where their vision can still be achieved and as contributors to the BLMK strategic priorities.
As a system leader, Clare has led the delivery of a co-designed vision and strategy for our Population Health Management to enable evidenced based change, also supported by the design and emergent delivery of the 30 month transformational data strategy that through subsidiarity enables our system partners at all tiers have the data required for the PHM, along with the establishment of the BLMK Committee to manage Data, Digital and Technology Committee, reporting to the new legislative Integrated Commissioning Board.
The skills that Clare brings are seldom seen in other consultancy engagements, and the way in which she has engaged with BLMKs many layers of complexity across PHM, Business Intelligence and Digital, with our four Places, who take great pride in how they support their residents, two strong care collaboratives and two diverse health economies, has been exemplary.
As a senior leader with many years working with complex health and care systems, this has not only been one of the most successful pieces of externally supported work I have been partied to, but also one of honest and true engagement that has led to the system genuinely owning our digital ambition. I would be delighted to work with Clare again.
Mark Thomas, Chief Information Officer, January 2022

Bedfordshire Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care System
Population Health Management
As the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICS’s Programme Director for Population Health Management Clare successfully led our system through the NHS England Population Health Management Development Programme, culminating in the development and adoption of an exemplar PHM road map for the system, which she sought to ensure was successfully owned by the system as well as underpinned by the collective resources, governance and programme plan necessary to ensure delivery.
Clare’s leadership and energy, coupled with her strategic awareness, proactive stakeholder engagement and robust programme management have ensured that the complex issues arising from such work against the backdrop of a maturing ICS landscape were effectively surfaced and overcome.
As the originating SRO for this work, I would be delighted to work with Clare again, and would highly recommend her to those looking for an experienced and effective professional who can be relied on to deliver complex programmes of work across the health and care sector.”
Ian Brown, Chief Officer for Public Health, January 2022

Luton Provider Alliance
Enhanced Models of Care Programme
Clare was commissioned by Cambridgeshire Community Services on behalf of the Luton Provider Alliance partners to establish a credible and innovative integrated model of care for Frailty on behalf of our most vulnerable Luton residents. Working with the six Luton Chief Executives and Primary care Network Clinical Directors, this programme served as a forerunner to the national Ageing Well agenda, successfully giving rise to a significant reduction in avoidable admissions as a consequence of real time joined up system working, which earned the team both the Regional Peter Carr Award for Innovation and Winner of the HSJ Patient Safety Awards as a result of our joined-up risk stratification work. Clare’s drive and commitment as the Programme Director for the system, enabled Luton to establish strong and genuinely positive integrated working arrangements, which have since been replicated across Bedfordshire and our wider ICS footprint as part of the Bedfordshire Care Alliance. It was Clare’s ability to secure such positive system relationships that also enabled her to act as the Bedfordshire Health and Social care cells Programme Director by way of overseeing and integrated system COVID response
Matthew Winn, CEO, Cambridgeshire Community Services & NHSE Director of Community services / SRO for the Ageing well programme, July 2021

Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
Clare was commissioned by Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership on behalf of the 10 partner organisations, to rapidly establish a system wide collaborative approach to the Urgent Emergency care, Out of Hospital and Primary care agenda across the STP. Working with the Surrey Heartlands system leadership team, in the context of Surrey Heartlands being one of the national leading Devolved care systems and also a Wave 1 Accountable / Integrated Care system, Clare has delivered the work required comprehensively, inclusively and at pace. As a valued member of the Surrey Heartlands team, Clare has enabled us to establish strong STP wide and local platforms on which to build our future work as we develop our Integrated Care System programme. I would be very happy to recommend Clare to others
Dr Claire Fuller, Senior Responsible Officer, April 2018

Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Clare was commissioned by ourselves to provide interim senior Executive capacity to address a particularly challenging primary care sustainability position and take forward a highly complex Community services procurement. As a CCG we required an experienced, senior Executive with the drive and dedication to develop local ownership and ambition amongst our practices. While with us Clare was highly respected and delivered changed through strong leadership, pragmatism and positive engagement across the system.
The Governing Body found Clare’s commitment and leadership to be extremely valuable, as this has fundamentally enabled us to establish the strong primary care and out of hospital foundations we require to deliver against both the local and national aspirations.
Matthew Tait, Accountable Officer, April 2017

Milton Keynes CCG, Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes Healthcare Review
Clare Steward Consulting was commissioned by ourselves at Milton Keynes CCG on behalf of the two CCGs, to lead on the highly complex Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes Healthcare Review.
Clare works in a highly dedicated, pragmatic and diligent manner with the four health system Chief Executives, wider System leaders and our regulators, to lead the programme through both the political and day to day complexities that such a significant reconfiguration programme brings.
As a wider member of the leadership team Clare has enabled us to bring together a Joint Programme team and the essential decision making governance arrangements with the support of both the Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes Boards, as we work towards public consultation later in the year.
Based on our experience of working with Clare, I would be happy to recommend Clare Steward Consulting to others
Matthew Webb, Chief Officer / Senior Responsible Officer, 2016

NHS North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group
Clare was brought in by the CCG leadership team to develop a comprehensive approach to primary care development as part of our 2015 Five Year Forward view Vanguard. Clare managed to successfully achieve the essential clinical collaboration that was required, to arrive at a collaborative primary care provider arrangement across the CCG footprint. This development provided the essential bedrock for the work we have sought to deliver through our Vanguard and Clare’s commitment and drive paid dividends to ensuring we were able to move forward in the way that our partners required. Working alongside the Governing Body, Clare delivered comprehensively on what was required both as a leader and as part of our senior team. We would be delighted to work with Clare again in the future.
Sarah McBride, Director of Commissioning and Delivery, 2016

Hertfordshire Gynaecology Service
The Hertfordshire Community Gynaecology Service commissioned Clare Steward Consulting to assist us in the initial Programme set up and provide Strategic advice to our multi-agency Accountable Lead Provider proposal. We have found the services provided by Clare as the lead Director for this work to be highly professional, extremely supportive and fully responsive to our needs. The company provides a strong understanding of operating in the commercial arena in relation to the commissioner and provider environment. We would recommend Clare Steward Consulting to others without hesitation.
Dr Kapil Kedia, Chief Executive, 2016

Chelmer Healthcare Ltd
Having worked with Clare as the Managing Director of Clare Steward Consulting in the capacity of the founding CEO of Chelmer Healthcare Ltd, I have found her to be thoroughly professional and hard working. Her knowledge of the healthcare arena as a commissioner and strategic thinker along with her commitment to delivery, are exemplary and she would be an asset to any organisation who would wish to employ her services
Carol Sams, Chief Executive, Chelmer Healthcare Ltd, 2015