What we have done
Work with Integrated Care system partners to deliver collaborative Transformational change
Commissioned by Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership (Surrey Heartlands serves 850,000 people across 7+ boroughs with combined health funding in 2016/17 of £1bn and combined social care and public health budget of £328m) to deliver:

- The collaboration of three CCG Urgent Emergency, Out of Hospital and Primary care systems as they establish themselves as a devolved care system
- The development and delivery of a combined Surrey Heartlands wide Out of Hospital strategy, Delivery and resource plan, as a forerunner to Integrated Care System (ICS) coalescence and deliverables out with the Devolved CCG footprints
- Collaborative working with NHSE national team as part of the Integrated Care System support offer in relation to new models of care, in particular Primary care
- The oversight of the Surrey Heartlands-wide Investment Fund resource for Out of Hospital Transformation c. £2million and Integrated Care System allocation of £500k.
- The establishment of Surrey Heartlands GP Leaders ICS Masterclass programme to optimise the engagement of General Practice and Local Federations in working effectively as local Integrated Care Partnerships (ICP) partners and at scale
- The introduction of the Surrey Heartlands Population Health Needs review as the baseline for introducing new models care at STP ICS and local ICP level
- Partnership working with the Surrey Heartlands Devolution arrangements to develop the governance arrangements of Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) development
The development, introduction and leadership concept of the Surrey Heartlands ICP Road map and Programme plan alongside System leaders and through co-production with the three evolving ICPs
Work with senior STP Leaders to establish new Models of Care
Commissioned by Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes and Luton STP, to deliver;
- The oversight and provision of Governance, Legal and Consultation advice to this leading STP to enable it to deliver the aspirations sought across the system
- Responsible for the provision of advice to the 14 CEOs across the system pertaining to the national and regional NHSE Assurance requirements in relation to major service change proposals
- The proactive and successful establishment of a CCG Joint Commissioning Executive across the three CCGs as a forerunner to formal NHSE statutory changes to CCG configurations
Advisory role in relation to the development, engagement and management of media, public and members, including the compilation of the system wide strategic Case for change

Provide high quality, focussed and dedicated interim NHS Executive support
Commissioned by Bedfordshire CCG, to deliver;

- Oversight of Primary care sustainability challenge requiring collaboration at pace in relation to the GPFV requirements
- Proactive leadership and resolution of primary care commissioning position post liquidation of Bedfordshire wide GP Federation
- Lead for Primary care modernisation agenda inc. £2.7m ETTF funds for three Community Hubs and £1.3m for the augmentation of STP wide IM&T integrated solutions resource
- Leadership of CCG Community Services Competitive Dialogue procurement with two local authority partners, amounting to c. 250million over 5 years
Executive lead for STP Primary care, Community and Social care – Priority workstream, including the establishment of two local authority based place based System Transformation Boards, comprising of the systems senior health and social care leaders responsible for the oversight and compilation and delivery of integrated Out of Hospital models of care
Lead Complex change programmes across health care sectors
Commissioned by Bedford and Milton Keynes CCGs, to lead;
- The delivery of a highly complex Acute Service Reconfiguration programme
- Across the local healthcare systems as part of the newly formed STP footprint
- The establishment of a new Programme Management Office within a longstanding and highly political arena, at pace and in response to highly challenging timelines
- Work on a daily basis with national regulators and senior advisors on programme delivery
- The oversight of the associated clinical, financial and activity modelling in relation to the Pre Consultation Business Case preparation
- The co-ordination and response on behalf of the programme to the NHSE Regional and National Assurance requirements, Clinical Senate Review and Investment Committee proposals
- The proactive management of media, public and wider stakeholder engagement activities, seeking to bring together of HOSCs and Healthwatch
- The facilitation of the System Leaders discussions between the Chief Executives and Chairs of the respective organisations.

Partner with all sectors to deliver optimal synergy for outcomes delivery
Commissioned as part of the North East Hampshire and Farnham team on the rapid establishment of a GP Federation as the foundation of the successful ‘Five Year Forward View’ PACS Bid.

Clare Steward Consulting successfully led the delivery of;
- The establishment of a Locality Provider leads Network – as the basis of a Shadow Provider Board
- The development and introduction of a six month Master class Programme for practices as providers
- The development of a framework to elicit 2 Year Locality Development Plans, supporting;
- The compilation of a CCG wide Primary care Provider strategy
- The business plan for the GP Provider organisation start up organisation
- The formulation of the CCG primary care commissioning intentions
- The oversight of three practice merger towards a locality based supra practice
Work closely and effectively with clinical leaders to ensure that our work is clinically led
Commissioned to provide interim Chief Executive services, to establish a large GP Provider Federation, on behalf of all 46 shareholder practices in mid Essex.
Clare Steward Consulting was responsible for leading;
- The establishment of the Board and associated governance arrangements, including Articles of association, Shareholder investment, in addition to the CQC and IGSOC accreditation preparedness
- The development of the start up Business strategy and new business development on behalf of the organisation, working towards various integrated provider models, with county council, community provider, local Foundation trusts and 3rd sector
- The submission on behalf of the mid Essex system for the Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund and the Five Year Forward View Models of care programme, focusing on integrated working with health and social care partners:
- A CCG commissioner programme of work to support failing practices alongside other health system partners

Work with the Public and key stakeholders to deliver supported collaborative change
Commissioned as part of a Joint Venture Partnership programme on behalf of North Essex Partnership FT to provide

- Programme leadership for the establishment of Community and Primary care provider Joint Venture model, working with the Community Social Enterprise, Mental Health Provider, Age Concern and GP Federation
- Support to the progression of future embedding and sustainability arrangements for the NESTA 100 day Rapid Change programme for frailty
- Leadership for the crucial engagement with Health and Social care commissioners – Better Care Fund and System Sustainability
- Leadership for introducing a Practice collaboration at scale pilot within Mid Essex
Lead work across whole healthcare systems to ensure that we deliver the best clinically safe and financially sustainable solutions that we can
Commissioned by AMIE Healthcare (as part of Chilvers McCrea Ltd) to work collaboratively with Health, Social care and voluntary sector partners.
Clare Steward Consulting harnessed national examples of excellence, to shape the development of;
- A ‘collaborative’ service model with significant integrated community team capacity, through a community care plan approach
- A proactive visible in-reach approach to pull appropriate sub-acute patients out of acute beds, once medically stable
- An enhanced discharge and enablement / rehabilitation culture focusing on goal delivery and rapid throughput from the outset
- Targeted carer engagement to optimise discharge
- Technological solutions will allows for the transition from in-patient to home, so that the individual can be managed safely
- Integrated care pathways supporting the right care at the right time
- A flexible model to optimise sub acute health (and social care) provision

Individual support for senior leaders at a personal level to deliver what is required